Tuesday, 4 April 2023, 14:00 CET (Brussels time), online
We are pleased to invite you to an ANEC/DIN Consumer Council webinar "Consumer security knowledge and behaviour in the digital space: how can standards raise the bar of cybersecurity and resilience?"
‘How are consumers coping with cybersecurity challenges? Which behaviour do they have in the digital space? And how can standards support consumer security?
Join us on 4 April from 14h to 15h CET to discover the results of the study commissioned by the DIN Consumer Council (DIN-VR) aimed to survey consumer knowledge and behaviour with regard to online security, as well as requirements and wishes for further development of framework conditions and support measures such as standards.
After an introduction by ANEC Deputy Director Chiara Giovannini, Dr. Alexander Goschew, Project Manager at DIN – Consumer Council, will present the survey results and will discuss the policy and standardisation recommendations: do consumers find it easy to protect their security? What is the role of standards in ensuring that the Cyber Resilience Act level of protection is upheld?
The results of the study can be found at the following link: https://tinyurl.com/557j4b6b (Executive summary in English).
Please register at the following link: https://bit.ly/40uvbpW. Upon registration you will immediately receive the Zoom login details.
We look forward to having you join us!