Tuesday, 11 March 2025, 10:30-11:30 (CET), online
ANEC invites you to a new public webinar on Sustainable lifestyles & Consumer products.
The webinar is inspired by this year’s theme of the World Consumer Rights Day and celebrates the transition to a sustainable consumer lifestyle.
Together we will explore:
- The Ecodesign standards and their added value for consumers with Boštjan Okorn - Chairperson of both ANEC Sustainability WG and ANEC Traffic & Mobility WG
- If refurbished products are the new way forward, with Olivia Brown - Policy Officer, Euroconsumers
- And how all this ties up into a sustainable way of living, with ANEC’s Sustainability senior experts - Michela Vuerich and Isabel Lopez.
Moderation and closing words will be done by Chiara Giovannini, Deputy-Director of ANEC.
Please register following this link.
We look forward to seeing you there!
Friday, 6 December 2024, 10:30-11:30 (CET), online
The common charger for mobile phones and other devices will be mandatory at the end of December 2024: What can consumers expect? And what is next?
Since 2009, ANEC and the consumer movement have been lobbying for common chargers to become mandatory. Following the revision of the Radio Equipment directive, this will become soon a reality. The 'common charging' requirements will apply to all handheld mobile phones, tablets, digital cameras, headphones, headsets, portable speakers, handheld videogame consoles, e-readers, earbuds, keyboards, mice, and portable navigation systems as of 28 December 2024. These requirements will also apply to laptops as of 28 April 2026.
USB Type-C port will be the new mandatory standard for portable devices and harmonisation for wireless charging will be ensured in the future.
Join us under the moderation of Chiara Giovannini, ANEC Deputy Director General and learn more about this from Alexis Basiaux, EC Desk Officer for Low Voltage Directive and Common Charger for Mobile Devices from DG GROW H2 Machinery and Equipment.
Alexis will present the new rules on clear information and labelling for consumers which should be present on new devices with charging options. He will also explore with us whether a product must include a charger at sale or not (unbundling).
Slides available for download here.
Tuesday, 19 November 2024, 14:30-15:45 (CET), online
The EC requested the drafting of standards to implement the AI act. The standards are being developed by CEN-CENELEC JTC 21. But what is the content of these AI standards and when do we expect the AI standards to be ready? What role can civil society still play in this process?
Please join us under the moderation of Chiara Giovannini, ANEC Deputy Director General, and following an introduction by Alexandra Toth, Programme Manager at the European AI & Society Fund, to answer this in the company of our speakers:
- Dr. Sebastian Hallensleben, Chair of CEN-CENELEC JTC 21 where European AI standards are being developed and
- Pete Eisenegger, ANEC AI expert in CEN-CLC JTC21 WG4 and WG1 (Strategic Advisory Group & Technical Coherence Forum)
During this informative and interactive session, we will discuss the state of play of the AI standards and the next steps in their approval process. You will also discover how to best influence AI standards to deliver good outcomes for civil society.
This session is organised by ANEC with the kind support of the European AI & Society Fund.
Please feel free to contact Cezara Popovici, Officer on AI and Communications at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. should you wish to register for this event.
We look forward to seeing you on 19 November!
Monday, 21 October 2024, 14:30 - 15:45 (CEST), online
The EU approach to AI is based on trustworthiness but what does this mean for standardisation?
Please join us under the moderation of Chiara Giovannini, ANEC Deputy Director General, to answer this in the company of our speakers:
- Enrico Panai, Convenor of CEN-CLC JTC 21 WG 4 "Foundational and societal aspects" and
- Pete Eisenegger, ANEC AI expert in CEN-CLC JTC21 WG4 and WG1 (Strategic Advisory Group & Technical Coherence Forum)
During this informative and interactive session, we will discuss about the state of play of the AI Trustworthiness standard and the next steps in its approval process, with a view of knowing how stakeholders can contribute to its drafting. You will also discover how to best influence AI standards to deliver good outcomes for civil society.
This session is organised by ANEC with the kind support of the European AI & Society Fund.
Please feel free to contact Cezara Popovici, Officer on AI and Communications at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. should you wish to register for this event.
We look forward to seeing you on 21 October!
ANEC will host an online expert workshop on 9th September to gather input from members regarding best practices, key experiences, challenges, and opportunities when influencing standards particularly linked to the Ecodesign and Energy Labelling (ED/EL) framework.
The workshop will take place on 9th September online, from 3-5 PM Brussels time.
Aim: This event is an opportunity to gather learnings and complement our guidance for current and new experts when representing the consumer voice in standards. The input and discussions will help ANEC develop guidance for current Reps as well as to train future experts working on the ED/EL field.
What to expect: ANEC Representatives working on Ecodesign/Energy Labelling (ED/EL) will share their experience attending standardisation meetings in this field. We will then have a discussion with all attendees to reflect on ‘tips & tricks’ to strengthen the consumer voice in standardisation meetings.
Who is it for: This workshop is mostly aimed at ANEC Representatives to learn from ED/EL and discuss their experiences when it comes to representing ANEC at standardisation meetings. While mostly focused on Ecodesign & Sustainability, we are happy to extend the invitation to DOMAP & DIGITAL members, particularly ANEC Reps. It could be for instance quite relevant to those Reps working on product groups with a link to Ecodesign - traditionally energy related products, with the scope is now extending to almost all product categories, aiming for them to use less energy, last longer, be easily repaired, contain more recycled content or have a lower carbon and environmental footprint over its lifecycle.
Please complete this form for your registration by the 5th of September.
This workshop is part of our work within the EU-funded reaLIFEstandards project.