ANEC technical expert on Artificial Intelligence standardisation (CEN-CENELEC JTC 21 and its WGs)

ANEC is looking for an expert to represent consumers in the standardisation of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in order to help strengthen our advocacy on technology. The expert will also contribute to build consumers and civil society knowledge and capacity of standardization.

The contract will have a duration of 12 months (from January to December 2025) and foresee 80 days of paid work (daily fee and reimbursement of travel costs). Additional days may be added during the contract period if necessary.

If you think you could contribute to our work, please send an up-to-date CV and letter of motivation with some ideas on how you intend to carry on your role (in English) to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Read the full Call.

Call for ANEC Bikes & e-bikes expert

ANEC is looking for one or more experts to provide us with technical expertise and to represent our organisation and defend the consumer interests in standardisation in the following technical committees and some of their working groups:

- CEN TC 333 ‘Cycles’: ANEC has been involved for many years in CEN TC 333 to set minimum safety requirements around the mechanical strength, durability and repairability of components, around the brake performance and the lighting elements. We follow WG 5 “Electric Power Assisted Cycles”, as well as WG9 “Cargo Bikes”.

- CEN TC 158 ‘Head protection’. ANEC monitors the work particularly for WG 4 ‘Helmets for cyclists’ and WG 15 ‘Helmets for S-EPAC [e-bikes] users’.

If you believe you could contribute to our work, please send an up-to-date CV and letter of motivation (in English) to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Applications will be reviewed on a rolling basis until finding a suitable candidate.

Read the full Call.

Call for ANEC expert in Intelligent Transport Systems 

ANEC is looking for an expert to provide us with technical expertise and to defend consumer interests in CEN/TC 278 ‘Intelligent transport systems’, dealing with standardization in the field, encompassing services and techniques to achieveroad safety, environmental sustainability and traffic efficiency, and to improve thetravel experience; applying information and communication technologies betweenvehicles/infrastructure/other road users.

ANEC focuses on three CEN/TC 278 working groups focused on mobility integration, public transport and e-safety (ecall).

If you believe you could contribute to our work, please send an up-to-date CV and letter of motivation (in English) to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Applications will be reviewed on a rolling basis until finding a suitable candidate.

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Call for expert in Postal Services

ANEC is looking for an expert to provide us with technical expertise and to represent our organisation and defend the consumer interests in standards on the quality of, and access to, postal services such as in the CEN TC 331 ‘Postal Services’ and WG 1 ‘Quality of postal services’, and the evaluation of the Postal Services Directive 97/67/EC 1 as of May 2021.

We would be grateful if you could let us know of your interest as soon as possible. Also, if you have any questions please let us know.

Please send an up-to-date CV and letter of motivation (in English) to hcl(at)

Read the full Call.

Volunteers (experts)

We are always looking for volunteers (experts). If you think you could contribute to our work, please send an up-to-date CV and letter of motivation (in English) to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. .

For more information please consult our leaflet 'Want to become an ANEC expert?