WANTED! Expert in Smart Meters and Smart Grids

We are seeking someone to provide us with technical expertise and to represent consumer interests in smart meters standardisation (such as in the CEN-CENELEC-ETSI Smart Meter Coordination Group). We look to appoint the expert in January 2021.

The tasks of the expert will include:

- presenting the ANEC view in meetings of the CEN-CENELEC-  ETSI Smart Meter Coordination Group (work will be done on the  whole by correspondence and F2F meetings are not yet planned for 2021);

- perhaps to participate in the work of EC SGTF EG1 ‘Data Format  and Procedures’ and to monitor the work of EC SGTF EG3 ‘Demand response’;

- to report to the ANEC Digital Society WG (one formal meeting annually);

- to draft technical comments and contribute to position papers.

For more information and details on how to apply, please see   

-> https://bit.ly/3kqtKEg.

Lead story

North Macedonian member hosts high-level event

On 14 October, World Standards Day, the Consumers’ Organisation of Macedonia (OPM), hosted an online high-level meeting providing advice on legislative requirements related to product safety and the conformity assessment of products. The event was supported by the Ministry of Economy of the Republic of North Macedonia, and attended by the public authorities, chambers of commerce and civil society organisations.

ANEC was delighted to support the meeting with presentations on the planned revision of the General Product Safety Directive and playground safety standards. The discussions revolved around European standardisation, and the position of North Macedonia as a candidate country for accession to the EU.

The meeting concluded with recommendations on the harmonisation of the North Macedonian legal framework with the European, as well as on greater engagement of all relevant stakeholders in a well-functioning system for market surveillance and the safety of products.

For more information, please see the OPM website: https://bit.ly/31v3ZeL.

group photo


ANEC speaks on CEN-CENELEC Strategy 2030

On 19 October, ANEC Secretary-General, Stephen Russell, joined a high-level panel as part of a Multi-Stakeholder Dialogue to consider the draft CEN-CENELEC Strategy 2030. With him were Kerstin Jorna, the Director-General of DG GROW; Markus Beyrer, Director-General of BusinessEurope, and Christoph Winterhalter, the CEO of DIN and present CEN Vice-President Policy.

With his fellow panellists, Stephen stressed the importance of working together to re-build confidence in the system of Harmonised Standards which has been called into doubt by business further to the so-called James Elliott ruling by the European Court of Justice. He saw this as a pre-requisite to the implementation of the CEN-CENELEC Strategy 2030, and noted his preference for the continuation of a European Standardisation System inclusive of all stakeholder interests. He noted consumer spending contributed to 54% of EU Gross Domestic Product prior to the pandemic, and said the demand for the products and services of European business would not be optimised without confident and empowered consumers. He concluded a critical mass of European consumers would not enter the Digital Decade until legislation required connected products to be safe and secure, and urged the partnership between the European policy maker and the standardiser be broadened to support the effective implementation of European standards in the consumer interest.

The Strategy 2030 will be proposed for adoption to CEN-CENELEC members later this year.

SRU quote 

‘Empowering European Standardisation for a Successful Green Deal’

On 16 September, ANEC joined the virtual workshop, “Empowering European Standardisation for a Successful Green Deal”, organised by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy (BMWi) in the framework of the German Presidency of the EU Council. See https://bit.ly/31vqXCl.

European Commissioner, Thierry Breton, took part as a keynote speaker, along with several high-level speakers from the European and national institutions, business, the standardisation community, and civil society. The workshop focused on challenges facing the model of harmonised European standards in order to ensure it can continue to make a key contribution toward attaining the goal of a sustainable EU economy through reliable, efficient and practical standards.

The workshop saw the participation of Monique Goyens, Director-General of BEUC, in a panel focusing on how standards can support the Green Deal. She highlighted the need for consumers to be provided with durable products that are better designed and easily repairable. She noted that, under the Circular Economy Action plan, standards should help extend the focus from the end-of-life phase to a cut in environmental impacts, as well as ensuring the chemical safety of products. She ended by stressing the need to tackle misleading green claims, using legislation to set binding requirements for the use of specific terms, reflecting the approach of ISO 14020 ‘Environmental labels and declarations — General principles’.

green deal

World Standards Day 2020

As every 14 October, ANEC joined the global standards community to celebrate World Standards Day. To mark the day and raise awareness of this year’s topic “Protecting the planet with standards”, we launched the social media campaign “How do standards help shape sustainable consumer choices?”, and published a Factsheet to show how standards empower consumers to make sustainable choices aimed at protecting the planet and reducing environmental impacts.

Separately, with CEN-CENELEC, we participated in a campaign to highlight our work on sustainability in CENELEC/TC 59X 'Performance of household and similar electrical appliances’. For more information, please see https://bit.ly/3k4Jj4t.


ANEC to join ICPHSO International Symposium

The International Consumer Product Health and Safety Organization (ICPHSO) will be holding its 2020 International Symposium on 27 & 28 October as part of International Product Safety Week. ANEC experts, Christine Heemskerk and Chris Evans, will participate respectively in the panels, “Managing Product Safety in the Age of Sustainability: Best practices” and “Sustainability and Safety: Consumer and Supply Chain Perspective and Impact”. For more, see https://bit.ly/3jrMCSc.

The focus of this year's International Symposium is "Safely sustainable: exploring how the concept of sustainability is impacting and shaping consumer product safety." Relevant topics related to COVID-19, new technologies, risk management, and compliance will also be included.

ICPHSO symposium

Child Safety

ANEC supports proposed new aniline limits

In September, the European Commission (EC) launched a public consultation on its proposal to limit the amount of aniline in toys in the Toy Safety Directive. Aniline can be found in toy articles made of textile and leather, as well as in finger paints. It has been classified as a (suspected) non-threshold carcinogen. We support the proposal to amend the Toy Safety Directive to limit the amount of aniline in toys to 30 mg/kg in order to enhance the protection of children’s health which is in line with limits suggested in our position paper, “Aniline - Proposed requirements for Appendix C of the Toy Safety Directive”. See https://bit.ly/3odLQvv.

painted hands


ANEC & EDF host webinar on FprEN 17210

On 5 October, ANEC and the European Disability Forum (EDF) hosted the webinar, “The new European Standard on access of the built environment (FprEN 17210)”. The webinar was well attended and led to a spirited discussion. The focus was on Mandate M/420 on access of the built environment and EU policies on accessibility, as well as the scope of the proposed standard, FprEN 17210.

The draft standard is submitted to Formal Vote until 29 October 2020, and ANEC and EDF call for its adoption by CEN and CENELEC members in support of accessibility and an inclusive society.

ANEC expert and Project Team leader for FprEN 17210, Monika Klenovec, explained that the proposed standard will support the implementation of accessibility and usability of the built environment. She clarified the standard will address functional accessibility requirements and not technical performance criteria, so will not lead to conflict with existing national standards.


International Day of Older Persons, 1 October

On 1 October, the International Day of Older persons, ANEC supported the campaign, “Pandemics: Do They Change How We Address Age and Ageing?”.

To mark the occasion, together with AGE Platform Europe and EDF, we published a joint statement, where we acknowledged the important role standards have played in protecting society during the COVID-19 pandemic, and we believe will continue to play in the “new normal”. Moreover, we stressed our commitment to developing standards that address the needs of all consumers, regardless of age and ability. See our statement at https://bit.ly/2Hlz6lz.

Domestic Appliances


The annual meeting of the ANEC Domestic Appliances (DOMAP) WG took place online on 7-8 October.

The meeting started with a joint session with the ANEC Sustainability WG. Ecodesign, energy labelling and the performance of household appliances and other consumer products were discussed with over 20 experts from both working groups.

The second day saw discussion related to the safety & accessibility of electrical household appliances, gas appliances and machinery, as well as products falling under the General Product Safety Directive (such as barbecues). The meeting gave our experts the chance to reflect on their involvement in the various technical bodies dealing with domestic appliances at both European and international level, and to look ahead to future standardisation work. 


ANEC Sustainability WG meets

The annual meeting of the ANEC Sustainability WG was held online on 6-7 October 2020.

It started with a discussion of the effects the COVID-19 pandemic on the environment as regards our sustainability activities. It concluded with a fruitful joint meeting with the Domestic Appliances WG on Ecodesign and energy labelling legislation, a topic that falls under both working groups.

The meeting welcomed a speaker from KEMI (the Swedish Chemicals Agency) who spoke about the development of the EU chemicals strategy to achieve a non-toxic environment. This is a keenly-awaited strategy, as ANEC has long asked for a consistent approach at EU-level to chemicals in consumer products (see https://bit.ly/31wj5QR). Members also welcomed a speaker from DG ENV whose presentation enabled a fruitful exchange of views on sustainable consumption and production, especially in the context of the Green Deal and Circular Economy.

Last but not least, BEUC’s sustainable finance officer provided an update on the sustainable finance strategy and what is relevant to consumers.

sustainability meeting

EU chemicals strategy unveiled

On 14 October, the EC published the EU Chemicals Strategy for Sustainability as part of its zero pollution ambition for a toxic-free environment (see https://bit.ly/2HsTzVu).

The Strategy aims to boost the innovation of safe and sustainable chemicals, and increase protection of human health – in particular of vulnerable groups - and the environment from hazardous chemicals. This includes prohibiting the use of the most harmful chemicals in consumer products (such as toys, childcare articles, cosmetics, detergents, food contact materials and textiles), unless proven essential for society, and ensuring that all chemicals are used more safely and sustainably.

The EC intends to introduce legal requirements for the presence of substances of concern in products through its initiative on sustainable products (see https://bit.ly/3jeYfM4). Moreover, REACH and CLP Regulations are to be reinforced “as EU’s cornerstones for regulating chemicals, and be complemented by coherent approaches to assess and manage chemicals in existing sectorial legislation, especially that regulating consumer products”. Specific attention is also given to reducing exposure to endocrine disruptors and the combination effects of chemicals.

We now look forward to more details on how the announced measures will be turned into action for addressing the legislative gaps of consumer concern. 

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A Renovation Wave for Europe

On 14 October, the EC also published the Renovation Wave strategy for private and public buildings. The strategic communication, “A Renovation Wave for Europe – Greening our buildings, creating jobs, improving lives”, aims to double the rate of energy renovations by 2030, from 1% of the EU’s stock a year to 2% (see https://bit.ly/31yqSO9).

The revision of the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive next year will be essential to that aim and will introduce mandatory minimum energy performance standards for existing buildings, possibly introducing a ‘deep renovation’ standard and revising rules for energy performance certificates (EPCs).

Although positive, it seems these approaches will continue to measure energy performance only during the use of the buildings, which does not go as far as ANEC wants.

The priority actions in the EC strategy are in three areas: the decarbonisation of heating and cooling; tackling energy poverty and the worst-performing buildings; the renovation of public buildings such as schools, hospitals and administrative buildings.

ANEC contributed to the stakeholder consultation launched over the summer to prepare this strategy. We gave our recommendations on key policies to mobilise renovation in order to improve performance and sustainability, and on barriers to renovation. As regards information tools, we stressed the need to revise rules for EPCs.

We look forward to contributing to next steps, notably ahead of the revision of the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive.

Renovation Wave for Europe

Digital Society

ANEC at Small Business Standards conference

Small Business Standards (SBS) held its annual conference online on 29 September, putting standards in the spotlight as regards the role they play in supporting SMEs to benefit from the data economy.

ANEC Digital Society WG Chair, John Ketchell, spoke during the panel, "How to ensure cybersecurity without jeopardising the data economy?". During the discussion, he agreed that stronger cybersecurity requirements for products and services are needed. He also referred to the COVID-19 crisis, noting that the crisis is reinforcing a lack of confidence in the system. Nevertheless, a standardised approach could help re-build trust. Furthermore, he stressed ANEC’s support for the adoption of legislation complementing the Cybersecurity Act, especially in order to protect personal health and financial data.

The conference also discussed the present challenges and opportunities of the data economy for SMEs and the issue of access to data, essential for the advancement of AI or machine learning. The value of standards in boosting the data economy, through improvement of data sharing, interoperability and the portability of data, was recognised and welcomed.

SBS conference

ETSI publishes Technical Report

The ETSI Human Factors Technical Committee has published ETSI TR 103 455, a Technical Report on standardisation in order to meet citizen and consumer requirements with regards to smart cities and communities (see https://bit.ly/2HozvnF).

Prepared with the support of the EC and EFTA Secretariat, the Report aims to demystify standards to local communities, since the needs of citizens are often overlooked in the standardisation processes. Smart communities enable citizens to have better living conditions, but at the same time empower them to have a say in matters that impact their daily lives. For example, equal treatment of citizens, including their data privacy concerns regarding personal information, needs to come at the forefront as the Report highlights. 

A broad set of recommendations is included in the report- for the preparation of guidance material to help cities, codes of conduct to help service to the citizen, and standard measures needed to design citizen services, and improve security, privacy and accessibility.

Stephen Russell, ANEC Secretary-General, said ANEC hopes the Technical Report will lead to a much-improved understanding of citizens’ needs, within local authorities and the standards organisations.

etsi report


ANEC at the European Tourism Convention

On 12 October, ANEC Services WG Chair Keith Lewis, attended the European Tourism Convention. The event was organised by the EC to launch a dialogue on sustainable recovery and strategic orientations for the future of tourism. Discussions focused on three topics: safe and seamless tourism experience; greener holidays and the digital transition. Commissioner Thierry Breton hosted the plenary session.

ANEC made a particular contribution to the discussion on safe tourism. Keith gave our belief that the priority lies in pandemic security. Looking at and beyond the current crisis, learning from the issues arising, and planning for a future which will be safe for tourists and secure for tourism providers.

He also shared our vision for the future of EU tourism in the next 10-20 years. He looked to travellers enjoying safe, accessible, sustainable tourism and transport services throughout Europe, with tourism-dependent economies and industries overcoming risk to develop and flourish. He hoped digital services would not be used to influence consumer choice unfairly and that the privacy of consumers would be respected. In considering sustainable travel, he trusted the needs of residents in tourist destinations would not be overlooked or overturned.


Traffic & Mobility

ANEC replies to review of transport policy

The EC has been seeking an assessment from stakeholders of the success of the EU’s past actions in the field of transport policy, particularly whether the 10 headline targets of the 2011 White Paper were clearly defined and completed.

In reply to the consultation, we said the scope of these targets should have been better defined and more directly linked to actions and deadlines. Nevertheless, we noted that there have been significant improvements to the safety performance of some modes of transport (e.g. passenger cars).

In March, ANEC provided a fuller response to the evaluation of the 2011 White Paper. We reflected on the impacts (and future impacts) of actions taken in the context of the White Paper, highlighting that the market supply is changing rapidly, with consumers benefitting from a range of smart provisions which improve safety of vehicles. These are increasingly being fitted as standard and many will soon be required by legislation (e.g. the General Safety Regulation).

ANEC replies on future transport and mobility strategy

As a second part of the consultation on the White Paper, the EC sought the views of stakeholders on key objectives and possible areas of intervention at EU level.

We stressed the need for EU support for Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS), noting that it is key to embrace technologies such as traffic and demand management, access control, electronic/contactless payments (smart cards for multimodal transport). Such measures can improve real-time management of traffic, with data linked to monitoring the flows of transport and people (mobility) for environmental purposes. We added the importance of ensuring new innovative approaches are gradually introduced with road infrastructure modernisation to enable EU-wide standards to be followed. 

Future Transport

News from ANEC member countries


On 14 October, and as part of the celebration of World Standards Day in Turkey, our Turkish member Dr Nerkis Kural, participated as a speaker in a web panel entitled, "Contemporary Developments in Standardisation Issues", hosted by the Turkish national standardisation body, TSE.

Over 300 professionals attended the panel. The opening speech by the TSE director, Professor Şahin, underscored the importance of finding solutions to the questions of population increase, the pandemic, and limited natural resources. Turning to standardisation, he noted Turkey was fulfilling its role in the decision-making of CEN-CENELEC, but its participation in the technical committees remained low. The second speaker, the Minister of Industry & Technology, stressed TSE needed to build on its 137 mirror committees. Although the focus of the discussion was on the value of standards in trade with the EU, Dr Kural stressed the importance of standards in the everyday lives of consumers, and urged equal attention be paid to building consumer participation at national level.


List of comments 2020

List of meetings 2020


For comments or if you wish to write an article for the ANEC Newsletter, please contact: Marijana ANTAROROVA (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.).