digital society

  • ANEC Factsheet on AI Trustworthiness standard

  • ANEC comments on Draft standardisation request to European Committee for Standardisation, the European Committee for Electrotechnical Standardisation and the European Telecommunications Standards Institute as regards charging interface and charging communication protocol for radio equipment capable of being recharged by means of wireless charging in relation with Article 3(4), sixth subparagraph,

  • ANEC-BEUC Legal Study: 'The Role of Standards in Future EU Digital Policy Legislation: A consumer perspective'

  • ANEC comments on the European Parliament Internal Market Committee and the Civil Liberties Committee agreement on the European Artificial Intelligence Act

  • ANEC comments on EC draft delegated regulation amending the 'Common Charger' Directive on updating technical specifications


  • ANEC Response to EC Call for Evidence for an Impact Assessment on the Cyber Resilience Act (CRA) initiative

  • ANEC Webinar "AI Act and the role of standards from a consumer point of view (Part II)"

  • Letter from ANEC and partners on the Digital Services Act

  • ANEC comments on EC draft Delegated Act Radio Equipment Directive Cybersecurity requirements

  • ANEC comments on the European Commission proposal for an Artificial Intelligence Act (Regulation laying down harmonised rules on artificial intelligence and amending certain Union legislative acts) COM(2021) 206 final, 2021/0106 (COD)

  • ANEC Webinar "AI: how to make intelligent standards for consumers? Are standards the right tool to deal with ethics in AI? (Part 1)"

  • ANEC replies to EC Study on the need of Cybersecurity Requirements for ICT Products

  • ANEC (Open) Webinar ‘How can cybersecurity standards increase consumer protection?’, 15 April 2021

  • ANEC replies to EC Impact Assessment Study to Assess Unbundling of Chargers - Stakeholder survey

  • ANEC replies to the European Commission Consultation on Inception Impact Assessment: Proposal for a legal act of the European Parliament and the Council laying down requirements for Artificial Intelligence

  • ANEC replies to the European Commission Consultation on the White Paper on Artificial Intelligence A European Approach

  • ETSI Open meeting: Smart cities and communities, standardization to meet citizen and consumer reqiurements

  • ANEC contribution to BEUC position paper 'KEEPING CONSUMERS SECURE: How to tackle cybersecurity threats through EU law'

  • ANEC comments on EC consultation on Inception Impact Assessment on Commission delegated regulation on Internet-connected radio equipment and wearable radio equipment

  • Common chargers for mobile phones & other compatible devices: ANEC reply to EC consultation on Inception Impact Assessments

  • ANEC-BEUC position paper on cybersecurity of connected products (including European Cybersecurity Act)

  • ANEC/BEUC/CI/ICRT Principles and Recommendations 'Securing consumer trust in the Internet of Things'

  • ANEC comments on draft Rolling Plan for ICT standardisation 2018

  • ANEC comments on Proposal for a Regulation revising ENISA Regulation (No 526/2013) and laying down a European ICT security certification and labelling framework