
  • ANEC/BEUC joint press release: EU report on unsafe product notifications demonstrates need for legal reform

  • ANEC Webinar on eLearning modules "Societal Stakeholders and Standards"

  • ANEC reply to the Public consultation on the European statistical programme 2013-2020

  • ANEC-BEUC Factsheet "Sewing up the holes in Europe’s product safety net: Why the General Product Safety Directive (GPSD) must be reformed, and how to do it"

  • Suggestions from ANEC for future Coordinated Enforcement Activities on Product Safety (CASP)

  • ANEC position on the evaluation of the New Legislative Framework (Decision No 768/2008/EC and Regulation (EC) No 765/2008): Response to the EC Roadmap Consultation

  • ANEC-BEUC Factsheet "Sewing up the holes in Europe’s product safety net: Why the General Product Safety Directive (GPSD) must be reformed, and how to do it"

  • ANEC-EuroSafe joint media release: European Consumer Safety needs solid injury data

  • ANEC-EuroSafe infographic: "European consumer safety needs solid Injury data"

  • ANEC-EuroSafe Position paper: "European consumer safety needs solid Injury data"

  • ANEC Position Paper: Revision of Machinery Directive (2006/42/EC)

  • ANEC position on the revision of the General Product Safety Directive (GPSD): Response to the EC Roadmap Consultation, August 2020

  • BEUC AND ANEC VIEWS FOR A MODERN REGULATORY FRAMEWORK ON PRODUCT SAFETY: Achieving a higher level of consumer safety through a revision of the General Product Safety Directive

  • ANEC position on the new EU Consumer Agenda 2021-2027: Response to the EC Roadmap Consultation, July 2020

  • ANEC Position Paper on Draft Annual Union Work Programme for European Standardisation 2021

  • ANEC Position paper on the Revision of Machinery Directive (2006/42/EC)

  • European Commission Guidance on practical aspects of the implementation of Regulation (EU) 1025/2012 (the Standardisation Regulation); ANEC response to stakeholder consultation

  • ANEC final position paper on the draft Annual Union Work Programme for European Standardisation 2020

  • Regulatory cooperation activities with the United states: BEUC & ANEC Response to the public consultation

  • ANEC-BEUC position on conformity assessment in EU-US trade relations

  • ANEC position paper on draft Annual Union Work Programme for Standardisation 2019

  • ANEC comments on draft EP IMCO report on dual quality of products in the single market (2018/2008(INI))

  • ANEC-BEUC final Position Paper 'Ensuring consumers safety – What way forward for Market Surveillance in the EU?' BEUC and ANEC’s Recommendation on the draft Regulation for compliance and enforcement (2017/ 0353 (COD))

  • ANEC/BEUC comments on compliance and enforcement

  • ANEC position paper on draft Annual Union Work Programme for Standardisation 2018