ANEC welcomes the European Parliament’s adoption of a Directive on the Accessibility of Public Sector Bodies’ websites and apps to ensure access to on-line public services to all consumers, regardless of age or ability. The Parliament, in agreement with the Council, made significant improvements to the original Commission proposal in terms of the web-sites covered and enforcement provisions, as well as the inclusion of access from a handheld mobile device and mobile apps, in line with ANEC’s position.
Press Releases
With standards increasingly used to support - or sometimes even replace - regulation, it is crucial to ensure that societal stakeholders are fully represented and have the ability to contribute to the standardisation process most effectively.
Yesterday, the European Parliament voted in favour of returning to the well- known A to G scale in its review of the EU Energy - labelling Directive. Products that are required to carry a label, including washing machines ,televisions and vacuum cleaners, will no longer be labelled using the confusing A+, A++ and A+++ classes. Key improvements have also been agreed for market surveillance.
The OECD Global Awareness Campaign on Window Covering Cord Safety runs from 23 to 30 June. ANEC joins OECD in wanting to ensure parents are aware of the risks that window blind cords can pose to young children.
Since its creation in 1995, ANEC has represented consumers’ interests in standardisation, complementing the contributions of business, in order to ensure standards and related legislation protect European consumers and their welfare. “There is always room for improvement” said ANEC President Arnold Pindar, ahead of the celebration to mark ANEC's 21st anniversary, “but we have achieved much in many sectors - such as product and traffic safety, services, the digital arena, accessibility and sustainability”.