ANEC welcomes the signature of the Joint Standardisation Initiative (JIES) in Amsterdam today as part of the Single  Market  Forum hosted by the Dutch Presidency of the EU. We believe the strength of the Single Market can be measured by the inclusiveness of the European Standardisation System underpinning it, and so support the actions intended to improve the inclusiveness of the standards process at the European and national levels.

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On the occasion of today’s 6th Carbon Monoxide (CO) Round Table, hosted by MEPs Linda McAvan and Marian Harkin, ANEC - the European Consumer Voice in Standardisation - urges consumers never to take a charcoal barbecue inside because of the risk of lethal CO poisoning.

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ANEC welcomes the adoption today of the “Standardisation Package II” by the European Commission - exactly five years after its proposal for a Regulation on European Standardisation. We especially welcome the aim of the new Package to strengthen consumer participation in standardisation.

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NGOs, consumer groups and research organisations have expressed disappointment with the European Commission’s continuing failure to propose adequate measures for the collection and publication of information about nanomaterials on the EU market after a Commission meeting with stakeholders in Brussels on Monday.

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