
  • EDF-ANEC webinar on accessibility standards for the built environment

  • ANEC Response to the EC Public Consultation on the Web Accessibility Directive

  • ANEC Position Paper: Accessibility of Lifts: How the European standard prEN 81-70:2020 can meet the legal requirements? Open technical issues

  • ANEC-EDF ‘Webinar on Introduction to Standardisation’

  • Interactive and free workshop about accessibility in authoring tools on 17 October 2019, in Brussels

  • Open letter to Members of the European Parliament concerning the European Accessibility Act

  • ANEC & disability movement open letter to national Ministers on web-accessibility directive

  • ANEC Position Paper: Response to the European Commission consultation on the proposal for a Directive on accessibility requirements of products and services (COM (2015)615/2)

  • ANEC Position Paper on the Standardisation aspects of Luxembourg Presidency of Council of the European Union Proposal for a Directive on Accessibility of Public Sector Bodies Websites

  • ANEC comments on M/473 "Design for All" deliverable D.1.2: Analysis of main areas of standardization and prioritization of work in standardization in relation to the needs of people with disabilities and older persons

  • ANEC final comments on CEN/CLC/ETSI JWG eAcc Internal ballot on BSI and DIN proposal for a transposition of EN 301549 'Accessibility requirements suitable for public procurement of ICT products and services in Europe' to ISO

  • ANEC position on CEN/CENELEC BTs consultation on adoption of ISO/IEC Guide 71-Guide for addressing accessibility in Standards as new edition of CEN/CENELEC Guide 6

  • ANEC Position Paper: How standardisation can support the silver economy: Wiser standards for an ageing world

  • ANEC comments on draft ETSI Guide 202 952 "Guidelines to identify and address "Design for All" aspects in ETSI deliverables"

  • ANEC Position Paper on accessibility of voting and the role of standards

  • ANEC Research study: Models of special accommodation for older people across Europe

  • EDF-AGE-ANEC Joint Statement: EDF, AGE and ANEC urge the Council to support the Parliament's position on web accessibility

  • ANEC comments and proposed amendments for draft EP IMCO report on the proposal for a directive on the accessibility of public sector bodies' websites

  • ANEC comments on draft EN 301 549 Accessibility requirements for public procurement of ICT products and services in Europe

  • Accompanying letter to the ELA-EEA-ELCA-EFESME-EPSA-EDF-ANEC-EUCAN survey on vertical accessibility legislation in Europe

  • ELA-EEA-ELCA-EFESME-EPSA-EDF-ANEC-EUCAN survey on vertical accessibility legislation in Europe

  • ANEC Position Paper on Standardisation and other aspects of the European Commission Proposal for a Directive on Accessibility of Public Sector Bodies Websites

  • ANEC contribution to the European Commission public consultation with a view to a European Accessibility Act

  • ADDENDUM TO FINAL REPORT OF ANEC DFA/DOMAP R&T PROJECT on Requirements needed in European household appliance performance standards to improve ease of use of appliances by older people and people with disabilities

  • ANEC Position Paper: How to protect vulnerable consumers?